Chapter 82 You Are Not a Good Match


Xena just lay quietly in the ward like that. Except for the sound of dropping intravenous drip on her hand, there was only her even breath left.

After finishing the work on the spot, Suning rushed to the hospital.

Seeing that Sumo was here, she couldn't help but shake her head, but in the end, she pushed the door open and entered.

"Brother, thank God you are here today. If you hadn't called me in time, I don't know what would have happened..."

"This is what I should do..."

Seeing that Sumo didn't seem to want to leave, Suning had to say, "Brother, Xena needs a rest now. I have something to tell you. Come with me outside!"

Without saying anything, Sumo nodded and went out with Suning.

Arriving at the corridor of the hospital, Sumo asked absentmindedly.

"What do you want to say?"

Suning didn't know what to say. She lowered her head and pinched her fingers for a long time before she raised her head.