Chapter 111 I Want to Go Out, I Won't Let You Go

VIP Lounge.

Xena was arranged to sit in front of a floor-to-ceiling window where there was no one to even talk to except her.

She leaned against the window idly and looked at the cars coming and going in front of her.

The CEO Office was spacious, but it had a good position.

The floor was high enough and the view was broad enough to see the whole city.

Holding a glass of water in her hand, Xena sighed from the bottom of her heart, 'The power of the capitalist is really powerful. Anyway, I'm afraid that I can't afford such a building for the rest of my life.'

Thinking of this, Xena didn't notice that someone was approaching her.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing no response from Xena's side for half a day, Ye Sheng's low voice rang out in her ears.

Xena was startled. The glass in her hand shook. The water in the glass splashed all over the table. She took a step back and fell into the arms of Ye Sheng in a hurry.