Chapter 121 Anniversary Event

The anniversary was the most important banquet of the company every year.

The Ye Group had a large scale and a wide network of contacts. All the hotels under its command were used to hold this event.

All the employees in the company would dress up to attend.

Whether it was a man or a woman, they all wanted to win a place for themselves in this banquet.

If any powerful person favored them, they would become rich in the future.

Xena and Ye Sheng came together in his car.

Although she smiled, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It was not easy for her to get a job. If someone found out that she had such a relationship with Ye Sheng, she would be doomed.

After all, there were many people in the company who coveted his handsome. Xena didn't want to be the target of public criticism so early.

In the car, Xena thought for a while and finally turned around to say.

"Ye Sheng, I have something to tell you..."

Xena said cautiously, afraid that he would refuse.