Chapter 162 Something Serious Has Happened

After learning that something had happened to Xena, Tian Qiqi kept crying.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her voice was hoarse.

But she still whimpered that it was all her fault.

If she hadn't been so careless and drunk so much, she wouldn't have gone to the bathroom and met those people.

Nothing bad would happen to Xena.

Noticing that all Ye Sheng's attention was on Xena, Song Haoran walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder. After comforting her for a while, he intended to ask the driver to send her back.

With such a big accident, not to mention Tian Qiqi a girl, even Song Haoran was frightened.

After all the people left, there was only Ye Sheng left in the ward, and it was quiet and even weird. Except for the sizzling sound from the medical equipment, nothing could be heard.

Ye Sheng pulled out a chair and sat beside Xena's bed, carefully holding her hand on his cheek.