Chapter 238 Preoccupied

Seeing that Xena said the words with certainty, Ye Sheng curled his lips and pretended to be indifferent.

After a few seconds, he asked Xena coldly, "Tell me, what's on your mind?"

Xena raised her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Do you see that I have something on my mind?"

"Humph! I've seen it clearly since you came in. If you want to hide it from me, you'd better stay in practice for a few more years!"

Hearing that, Xena didn't intend to hide anything anymore.

She pursed her lips and spoke out the depression in her heart carefully.

"I went back to the branch company today because of my work. There... I heard some rumors that made me very concerned."

"What rumors?"

"It's about Director Bai. A subordinate told me secretly that she was in a bad mental state these two days. She often came late and left early, and she was also in low spirits and made many mistakes at work. You know, she was not such a person in the past!"