Chapter 288 On the Return Ship

The two of them came to the deck and overlooked the scenery on the sea together.

After a while, Ye Sheng asked Xena coldly, "Haven't you called Langston yet?"

Xena was stunned for a moment and then shook her head slowly. "No."

"You are going to give him a surprise."

"That's not true. I just feel a little uneasy about this visit to the Shangguan clan."

"What are you worried about?"

"If I tell you, you might think that I'm being oversensitive..."

"It doesn't matter. Even if I mock you a few words, you won't have any reaction."

"Oh, Ye! I'm serious with you. I'm not kidding you. You can tease me as you like, but at this moment, I only hope that you can listen to me carefully!"

"Tell me! I've been waiting for you!"

Seeing he urged her with an expressionless face, Xena took a deep breath and decided to tell him what was on her mind.

"Actually... I'm worried that if I go to visit the Shangguan clan rashly, it might cause unnecessary trouble to my brother."