Chapter 313 The Last Move

He immediately seized the opportunity to further persuade him to have good contact with Xena.

After hearing Chen Nan's suggestion, Ye Sheng replied expressionlessly, "Anyway, I can't talk to her about it in person. So, I plan to let you complete this task!"

"Young Master, I see. Do you want me to tell Mrs. Ye what you want? No problem. I promise to complete the task smoothly for you!"

Seeing that Chen Nan was about to leave in a hurry after answering his question, Ye Sheng suddenly stopped him in a cold voice.

"Come back! I haven't finished yet!"

Hearing this, Chen Nan stopped in a hurry and asked respectfully, "Young Master, what else can I do for you?"

Ye Sheng said to Chen Nan seriously "When you talk to Xena, you must save my face. If I know you said something that you shouldn't say, just wait for my punishment."

"Yes, yes! I will remember your order and save your face in front of Mrs. Ye!"