Chapter 357 Gaffe After Drinking

With a smile, Ye Sheng nodded and said, "Okay, let's focus on eating and drinking. Mr. Wang, it's our first meeting today. Anyway, we have to drink a few more glasses of wine!"

Wang Yuzhi shook his hand with a bitter smile. "I don't dare to drink too much. If I have something urgent to deal with today, it will be troublesome."

"It doesn't matter. Let's drink a little."

Soon, the table was filled with delicious dishes and several bottles of good wine.

Langston and Ye raised their glasses and proposed a toast to Wang Yuzhi.

At first, Wang Yuzhi tried his best to refuse.

But after drinking a few glasses of wine, he began to talk more and more, and his resistance to alcohol was not as determined as before.

"Mr. Langston, Mr. Ye, do you treat me as a friend?"

Hearing Wang Yuzhi's question, Langston nodded without hesitation and replied, "Of course! If we are not friends, how can we sit here drinking and having fun?"