The Hooded Vampire

“First night of what? Dinner?” Anastasia pouted her lips and thought, ‘He could have at least said what we would be doing so that I could prepare myself accordingly…’

She sighed again because she did not like the fact that he could disappear from her room before she could even say a complete word. ‘I should ask him not to run like that when he leaves my room from now on.’

Anastasia went and stood in front of the mirror. She thought while checking her reflection, ‘I hope this dress will be okay for whatever he has planned for the night.’

Anastasia was now left all alone in the room with a couple of hours left for the day to end. She tried to occupy herself but the loneliness finally caught up to her.

Without Tilla around and also her collection of some reality-escaping novels, Anastasia was bored out of her mind. There was nothing that she could do to keep herself entertained in that lonely castle.