Flying Under the Moon

Within a flash, Caspian was able to connect all the dots and concluded that someone was plotting Anastasia’s assassination.

He nervously scratched his brow and leaned closer to Anastasia. He anxiously wiped the cream off of her lips and asked her in a scared voice, “Didn’t that food taste weird? Are you feeling some discomfort somewhere? Any pain? Anything abnormal?”

Seeing Caspian that frantic, and hearing him ask all those questions, something finally dawned upon Anastasia. She recalled her teacher once mentioning the smells of varieties of poison in one of her lessons.

Her teacher had made her take a whiff of a vial of poison that gave off a minty smell and had said, ‘It is the most used poison because it easily blends in with the food’s smell. If you are served some food that has a minty smell, then make sure to have the person who served it to taste that food first.’