Far Ahead

Anastasia and Tilla were sitting inside the royal carriage. They had reached halfway to Carmineville.

Anastasia was wearing Caspian’s cloak on top of her gown in order to mask her scent with that of Caspian’s. As instructed by Caspian, they had also closed the windows so that the vampires of the capital wouldn’t see if Caspian was also inside the carriage or not.

Although there were four Royal Guards who were guarding the carriage, one could never be more careful.

“Are you alright, my Queen?” Tilla asked in a worried voice when she noticed Anastasia wrapping her arms around her stomach and softly wincing in pain.

Anastasia answered as she breathed shakily, “You know travels are difficult for me.”

“Do you need some water?” Tilla asked again.

To which, Anastasia simply shook her head.

Tilla then arranged the cushion on the seat as a pillow and said, “Why don’t you try sleeping for a while?”