
Caspian, Vincent, and Hamilton hunted down at least a dozen of big and small creatures that they found interesting and challenging. It was already way past midnight when the three predators returned to the camping site.

The soldiers and guards who were scouting the area while the King was hunting also regrouped at the camp.

“Ugh! Now I need to take a bath again!” Vincent sighed while looking at his blood-laced hands. He sounded very exhausted. After all, he had expended this much energy after a long time.

He sat down at the table that was laid for them earlier and then mumbled to his friends, “I think my bones are getting old and rusty. Why the hell am I this tired after hunting down a few animals?” He shook his head and said with determination, “This won't do it. I need to start training my body again. I have to get my stamina back. At this rate, I will die if I get into a fight.”