Free Spirit

Caspian held out his hand for his wife to hold and asked her while giving a broad smile, “Let’s go then, shall we?”

Anastasia wrapped her arm around her husband’s arm. “Sure,” she happily replied. But before walking with her husband, she looked at Tilla and then asked, “Tilla, why don’t you come along? You also haven’t seen such fields before, right?”

Tilla looked at Caspian, and then back at Anastasia. She smiled and slightly shook her head, “I haven’t seen them before. But I’m good. I think you should enjoy the view with His Majesty.”

Caspian was surprised at how Tilla was letting go of her chance to cling to Anastasia, which she barely did.

“Are you sure? We don’t mind if you tag along,” Anastasia asked once again, to Caspian's dislike.

“No, I–” Tilla was interrupted when Vincent suddenly arrived there.

“What’s going on here?” he asked while looking at Tilla and Anastasia.