
After getting into the carriage again, Anastasia didn’t fall asleep anymore. She was too excited to be doing that. Instead of sleeping, she was staring out of the window with a wide smile on her face.

The vast paddy fields that she was seeing soon turned into villages, and the villages soon turned into the town. The streets got busier, houses got denser, and there were people everywhere, celebrating the coronation of their new King.

“Are we in the capital yet?” she asked Caspian when she noticed the increase in the number of soldiers who were patrolling the area.

Caspian looked out of the window and guessed, “We should be.”

After a few more minutes, both of them were sure that they were already in the capital. They saw a castle standing tall a little further away from the main settlement.

‘So, that is where Everard lives?’ Anastasia thought to herself as she leaned a little to get a proper view of the castle.