Ball Dance

The moment guests in the ballroom saw the King, and the tall and captivating gentlemen with red eyes approaching the center of the dance floor, they all happily cleared the space.

Everard looked around at the crowd and went to ask a random but elegant-looking woman for a dance. The woman was standing with her partner. However, when the King himself asked her for a dance, she was more than happy to participate.

Hamilton and Alexander also immediately followed Everard’s lead and went to ask the ladies who were standing alone for a dance.

Vincent, on the other hand, wasn’t really into it. All he could think about was Tilla. ‘It would have been wonderful if she could also come here,’ he thought to himself and pouted.

Hamilton smirked as though he could read Vincent’s mind. Then he patted Vincent on his shoulder and whispered, “Just pick anyone. Don’t keep on standing there like a sore thumb.”