Sleepless Night

The night was already about to come to an end. Caspian was planning to leave for Sorvando as soon as all the carriages and horses arrived. Thus, he wanted everyone to get some rest before starting the new day.

Caspian and Hamilton left Alexander alone in the room to rest after they had a brief conversation.

Alexander, however, couldn’t even get a wink of sleep no matter how exhausted he was. He kept on tossing and turning on the bed, thinking about all the new pieces of information that he had discovered tonight.

And the more he thought about them, he felt as though he was going to lose his mind.

‘Argh!’ He covered his face with his palms and screamed in his head, ‘How the hell am I supposed to act in front of them tomorrow? Am I supposed to act like I don’t know what they all are? Or am I supposed to be scared of them?’

Before he could think of any answers to his questions, his mind got flooded with several other questions.