Assigning Guards

Caspian went back to his workroom after leaving the courtyard. He needed to calm his anger down before going to see how his wife was doing at the moment. He didn’t want to go and see Anastasia while his face was stiff from anger. It had taken a great deal of effort on his side to speak civilly in front of everyone.

While resting on his comfortable chair, he recalled how he had promised Anastasia to have tea with her. He rubbed his palm over his face in irritation because even his simple wish was also taking time to get fulfilled due to everything that was happening around them.

He sighed and closed his eyes to rest for a while. But a really good idea struck his mind. ‘Should I prepare the tea this time? I bet I can do it. I have watched Anna preparing the tea countless times.’

He suddenly became excited like a happy kid who was ready to perform some kind of experiment.