The King's Tea

Caspian was telling Anastasia about his meeting with Alexander when he heard the guards outside questioning Holly. So, he turned his head and spoke in a bit louder voice, “Let her in. I asked her to bring the tea.”

“Tea?” Anastasia slightly raised her brows in amusement.

Caspian looked back at her and nodded. “Yes. I promised you that we would have tea together once I returned, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did,” Anastasia smiled happily.

Caspian patted himself on his shoulder and praised himself, “I am the man of my word.”

Anastasia laughed and agreed, “Yes, that you are.”

Soon, Holly stood at the door of the bedchamber and greeted the monarchs. “Good afternoon, Your Majesties. I’ve brought the tea.”

Caspian pointed at the bedside table and said, “Put it there and leave.”

“Oh, er… the tea is unprepared, Your Majesty,” Holly said as she walked in.