New Discoveries

Before taking a chance to lick the water, Everard first took a deep whiff.

‘Er… it doesn’t smell like anything…’ he thought in his head. Still, that didn’t demotivate him from pursuing his initial intention.

Everard was seriously thinking of licking the water just because it looked unbelievably magical. Due to the reflection from the halo, not just the chalice but even the water in it was sparkling brightly as though the silver rays of the moon had accumulated in that container.

Right when the black wolf was about to take a chance to dip his tongue in the chalice though, a splash of water hit him right in his eyes.

‘Ow! Ow!’ he exclaimed in his head because that magical water was causing an itching sensation in his eyes.

He was thinking that the pain was just a momentary thing but soon, it started to get even worse.