For Better or Worse

The duke's mansion stood over the vast green land, looking like it was something conjured from the books of fairytales. It stood there as if the surrounding nature had embraced it, that the flora flowed within it as much as around it.

It took a second or two for Anna to take it all in. Even though it was right in front of her, she had never seen a place as astonishing as the Duke’s Estate.

She averted her gaze, her mind slipping away from reality and to the future that awaited her and her family if she remained in the estate.

Without the medicines, her mother will not be able to hold on for too long.

Things happened in a blur after that. Her eyes took in the entrances and exits of the estate as her mind only partially paid attention to the instructions that were given to them.

Emma looked concerned and explained everything again to her because she had suspected her absent-mindedness.

“Just be obedient,” she murmured while helping Anna wear the uniform that was a size too small, “Things work alright after that.”

“Thanks again.”

Anna smiled and her heart was almost filled with remorse when she saw that worry in the eyes of a person she had just met. There didn’t seem to be much difference between the ages of her and Emma, yet Emma appeared much mature and reliable.

“I will remember that,” Anna said to ease her worries, and added, “Obedience.”

Emma nodded with an intentional yawn, “I will remember to stay awake.”

They shared a light laugh and Emma patted her shoulders in reassurance before they both parted to do their own duties.

Anna’s uniform consisted of a black gown that reached a little below the knees. It was buttoned up to the neck and the sleeves were slightly puffy on the top and slim further down.

There was a white apron with ruffled borders above it and strapped shoes.

It looked pretty in the reflection, and bothersome to her wound.

Anna had not expected it to hurt as much as it did.

“Hey!” the head maid called out, “Why are you standing there? Hurry up, the dishes won’t wash themselves!”

Stifling a groan, Anna hurried to the kitchens.

There was a small room beside the kitchens, where all the dishes were to be washed. She noticed a man roughly rubbing a large black pot as he cursed under his breath about how unfair the chef was.

In front of him, there were piles of soiled dishes and insanely large pots and cauldrons that made Anna’s heart sink.

She noticed a man taking a bucket of boiled potatoes and stopped him.

“What are you doing?”

The man looked back at her weirdly, “Going to peel the potatoes. You got any problem with that?”

“Not me,” she folded her hands and raised a brow, “But the head maid asked you to do the dishes and she is furious because you are here with some potatoes.”

“But the chef―”

Anna pointed at the other end of the kitchen where the head maid was yelling at a maid for spilling water in a cooked dish. She paused when she noticed Anna and placed hands over her hips angrily.

“I asked you to do the damned dishes!” The sentence was followed by a few colorful phrases too harsh to be included here.

The man was stunned.

And since he and Anna were standing nearby, he couldn’t tell that the words weren’t for him and looked at Anna with a conflicted gaze before muttering a curse under his breath.

“The chef asked these potatoes to be ready as soon as possible.”

Anna clasped her hands around his basket with a smile, “I will take care of them.”

He grumbled about the superiors losing their mind and went to wash the dishes as Anna slipped away from the head maid’s gaze and followed some servants to some other room of the kitchens.

She made sure to be swift and efficient in her work and paid extra care to please the chef.

He wanted to say something when he saw her but then simply promoted her to chopping vegetables since he was too busy with the meals to bother with an unknown face.

With her quick fingers and her skills with the knife, she finely chopped all of the carrots and mushrooms.

The chef was pleased and when Anna requested to take a short break, he gladly gave it to her.

She thanked him with the most grateful smile she could summon and left the kitchens from the back door. A mischievous smile curled her lips as she let out a sigh and finally let herself relax.

The wound on her back was still burning with pain, but slaves were not allowed to complain and there was already a lot of work remaining for the ball. Even if she tried to plead, they would use whatever means necessary to make her work.

Anna was not foolish enough to push herself so much to please her superiors or to endure all that pain for a short break.

She had to escape.

That certain small abandoned gate she had noticed earlier was too tempting. It was unguarded and the only thing between that and Anna’s freedom was a rusted old lock.

A couple of strikes from a large stone should be enough.

But first, she had to find Effie. The young girl was too innocent for the life that awaited her.

Anna discarded her apron and slipped behind the bushes. Her dull ache of the lash wound flared sharply. However, she could not stop. There were too many eyes and she had to be careful.

After sneaking past several shadows and hiding, again and again, Anna finally reached a place that could be considered safe. She crept inside the closest shelter she could find.

It was similar to an open shed, there was nothing but a large table of tools and a metallic carriage that was faintly illuminated by the dim glow of moonlight. As if perfect shadows of night mounted upon the wheels, the strange carriage was graced with unparalleled elegance.

Most importantly, there was no place for horses because they were not needed.

Anna was in a trance as her slow steps walked above the cobblestone.

Duke Azrael had to be extremely wealthy and resourceful to own something like that. Those sorts of carriages were like a mythical thing no ordinary person could even dream to acquire.

She licked her lips.

It would be easy to cross the estate with that carriage, then help Effie escape through that certain abandoned gate that Anna had marked while she was not paying attention to the head maid.

Above all, she would reach home in time and help her mother.

A faint resonating echo of the midnight bell made her flinch. Her heart sank in a cold, dreadful feeling. There was no time, if she delayed any more time, she would be caught for sure.

Anna almost died from fright when a loud rustle of bushes caused her to stagger. She didn't wait any longer and swiftly entered the carriage. Someone was near and if she was caught then everything would be over.

She clasped the wheel with her numb clammy fingers. Such carriages had always fascinated her and so Anna had tried to learn a thing or two about them.

With a low hum and a sudden jolt, the carriage started. It ran too fast at first, but she stopped it before it could run through the wall. On her next try, it worked fine. After successfully avoiding crashing the vehicle a couple of times, Anna began to understand it better.

Her fingers were cold from fear and anticipation. It was a speed she had never felt before but she tried to control it. Something like that carriage must not be harmed or she wouldn’t be able to pay for it, even if it was with her life.

All her attention was focused on maintaining a good speed and ensuring the safety of the carriage. That was when a sudden click sound made her flinch.

Before she could even turn back, a sword rested right next to her neck.

"Keep driving," an amused voice commanded.