Delicate New Beginnings

As the dark heavens stretched far wide, the lights of the city still prevailed, burning through even the darkest corners. The melancholy of reality was overshadowed by the bright glamour of Esnora.

A man passed through those lively alleys. He blended in well with the demonic citizens, but even with his clothes as black as night, and a mask that covered half of his face, his regal aura could not be hidden.

He garnered curious glances from men and women alike. However, none of them dared to approach him. Everyone stepped aside on their own from his path. A glimpse of his dark mourning eyes was enough to make many people silent.

The man, Ivan was tasked with buying some slaves for the duke, but only after leaving the estate did he realize how hard it was. The slaves were supposed to be something very common, and yet oddly enough, Esnora only had one auction house.

The broker accompanying had a hard time maintaining his smile as he continued in his loud energetic voice.

“We are almost there, sir! Makrov has the best goods of all the capital!” Seeing that his words did nothing to dim the cold glare of the knight, the broker asked a question, “How many slaves are you looking to buy, sir?”


“Oh! For the ball tonight? I suppose you are here for the female slaves or is it the other way around?”

Ivan looked at him darkly.

The broker flinched and swallowed back his words before hurrying a few steps ahead and lifting his hand to present one of the grand buildings of the capital. It was built by a former prince and stood tall in all its royal grace.

The Auction House.

His proud eyes were on Ivan and his back to the building as he spoke.

“Let me assure you all our troubles were worth it. There is no better place than this―!”

He froze when he noticed Ivan’s lip twitch in annoyance. The broker then looked back and noticed a ‘closed’ sign hung above the gates of the auction hall. The man nervously glanced at Ivan and cleared his throat.

“Um, never mind this, sir. Makrov has a lot of slaves.” The broker used his spare key to open the gates, and pushed them wide open, “And allow me to assure you that they are the most disciplined and well behaved―”

Ivan glanced at him with a slightly raised brow that chilled him to his bones.

The broker was confused as he looked back again and all the colors washed away from his face.

Makrov was known for his way with the whiplash and if someone were to see that incident unfolding on stage, he would soon become famous for something else.

He was being strangled by a girl.

She was the new slave from what the broker recalled, and while her one hand roughly gripped the auctioneer’s head by hairs, she used the other to keep her hold over his whiplash that now twisted around his arms and neck in a painful way.

There was another girl who had frozen on her way to smash the auctioneer's head with a large chair.

Anna’s furious expressions melted in an instant as her heart stilled. Then, her heartbeats picked up at a hesitant pace when her gaze was held by the knight.

He was a demon.

Anna cautiously moved back and let Makrov go. She grew more wary and worried when Ivan looked as cold as ever

She glanced at her broken handcuffs and awkwardly put them back.

"These came undone on their own," Anna murmured.

Ivan sighed to himself.

The broker forced a smile over his face and called the guards through clenched teeth. Makrov would have done the same but for such a furious man, he held little strength inside of him and Anna had little trouble bringing him down.

Fearing he might make Ivan angrier, the broker proceeded straight to the business.

“These ones will be removed tonight!” he promised, “Let me assure you, sir. The ones in our other stock are the finest you will find―”

Heavy footsteps came from somewhere before nine or so burly men came out on the stage

“Your assurance is questionable,” Ivan stated coldly and tossed a bag of gold.

“P-pardon me, this was unexpected.” The broker broke down in cold sweat, “I will bring you our finest―”

"They will do."

Ivan gestured at the stage and turned away as if he could no longer stay in such a lowly place.

Makrov was stunned as he looked at the beastly slaves who had almost killed him. He could not understand why would anyone prefer such rebellious monsters.

The broker grew impatient on the other side, "Quick, Makrov. You don't want to delay this for His Grace!"

Those few words made Anna tense. There was a slight hesitation before she glanced at Ivan and he just happened to have looked at her as well.

There was a strange repulsion lingering in her seemingly innocent eyes.

Ivan curled his lips in a faint smile.

She must be new.

The girl was bold for a human. No one would dare to let their emotions show in such a raw way.

Relations between the two races have always been tense and it only became worse in recent years, however, most humans knew their places well.

And those who didn't were greeted with an early death.

"Boris!" the auctioneer called urgently, "Take the slaves to the carriage."

He turned to Ivan and showed his toothy grin.

"The contract will arrive at the estate by morning, sir!"

Ivan didn’t even spare him a glance. He was disgusted.

He always despised the humans that were willing to treat their own race like animals, all in order to feed their depthless greed.

Perhaps that was why they were inferior.

All the five slaves were led towards the carriage, but Anna was hesitant. Her feet refused to move. How could she convince herself to march towards her own demise?

The Duke was known for his ruthless ways.

She had no choice, she knew, but for a slight fraction of a second, a terror clenched within her heart.

The auctioneer noticed her, and he assumed she must be making trouble again. He had finally landed a handsome amount of gold and could not let the girl foil his earnings.

A twisted grin appeared on his lips.

"You insolent wench-!"

He hissed and raised his whip.

Anna's eyes widened, while Ivan’s lips curled into a frown. A glimmer of crimson flickered in his dark eyes and then it all happened in a blur. She had felt a gush of wind brush past her, there was a dull thud in the back.

The auctioneer had fallen on his behind, he was frozen and Ivan was standing in front of him, with the blade of his sword thrust right beside the auctioneer's throat.

Anna's face turned pale.

Ivan pressed his sword a little deeper and the auctioneer's eyes widened in terror.

"Did you just try to harm His Grace's property?"

A muffled whimper brought her out of her thoughts. Her fingers clenched together when she saw Ivan.

She was grateful that he had saved her but at the same time, Anna was aware of how cruel the demons could get.

"Please spare him, sir!"

Anna nervously blurted without any second thought.

The auctioneer was after all a human, his life was worthless for the demons. They had never hesitated to take a human life and Anna knew it well, she knew it too well.

Ivan let out a shallow laugh and turned his gaze at her. There was cold darkness in his eyes, a bloodthirsty glint that could evoke a tremendous fright in anyone.

Anna flinched back, her eyes became moist on their own.

Ivan watched her darkly as if contemplating where his blade should rest next, then he averted his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

Not a single drop of blood was shed, but the auctioneer was scarred for life.

And another scar was engraved in someone's heart.