Owe A Favour

"However—” he continued with that same smile, but there was a devilish tilt of his lips that caused Anna to fight a shudder, "You must do something in return."

Did she really think he was being kind? That proved to be totally wrong!

Anna rolled her eyes with a low groan.

She understood the dangers of striking another deal with a demon, those promises seldom favored the humans. Like her current arrangement exposed her to a fatal world by promising the betterment she so desperately needed.

But those were times of urgency.

However, has the situation truly changed?

His offer was tempting.

Things would be so simpler if he took up her side.

She might be able to make a place for herself in society on her own, gain enough support so that no one could trample her.

Not easily.

But they tired her mind and soul. She was sick of demons, their twisted thoughts, and wicked ways. Being amongst them was an ordeal she wished to avoid as much as she could.