The Haze of Fall

Her memories have always been hazy about the past. She remembered some things, but not clearly enough. It was better that way, her mother would tell Anna how certain things were meant to be forgotten.

But even when her mind had buried many memories, even when she couldn’t remember how ‘he’ looked or sounded…she remembered the glimpses of their times together, many years ago.

About the person who changed her world forever.

A cold autumn breeze was rustling the ancient willow leaves on the night when she first met him. He appeared when she wandered a little too close to the boundary, the spellbound ring which her father repeated many times not to cross.

She recognized him right away.

Though the boy seemed as young as her, around eleven years old, Anna knew he was different. He was a demon, the one her elders had asked her to be wary about, for those who fell prey to their kind had never been known to return.