An Engagement Party

Shortly after Andrius left, a young woman named Lily showed up to help Sybil change into her nightgown. Sybil had never had someone change her before, so it was a bit of a shock, but Lily explained that as her lady’s maid, she would help her prepare for each day and night by bathing, dressing, and attending to Sybil.

Even with the large and comfortable bed, Sybil found it difficult to sleep through the night. She missed her little church bedroom, but she had hope that she could get used to her new environment sooner rather than later.

It seemed like no time at all passed before Lily was back in Sybil’s room and preparing her for her first official day as the crown princess. Sybil felt groggy from the lack of sleep, but she knew that she would have to wake up quickly so that she could retain all of the information she would have to soak in that day.

The first day was spent learning proper etiquette. Sybil was taught how to greet people of higher status than her, like the King and Queen, as well as people who were of lower status than her, like dukes and duchesses. She learned the proper way to curtsey and wave, as well as how to walk as if she were floating on clouds.

The most difficult lesson was the one where a book was placed on her head and she had to walk with her head held high so that the book would not tumble to the ground. By the time Sybil sat down to learn about the proper silverware to use for each meal course, she was happy for the break because her neck throbbed.

At dinner that night, Andrius commended Sybil for the progress she made, and he gave her reminders if she attempted to use the wrong fork or held her glass improperly. Even at times when she felt overwhelmed or defeated, Andrius was patient and gentle with her.

Andrius’ sweetness towards her was unexpected because, after all, he was a prince and she was just a commoner. He certainly would have had other prospects with his status, yet he chose to spend his time with and marry her. Sybil believed it must have been because he fell in love with her while she took care of him. She had read about love at first sight in her books, but she never believed it would happen to her.

“Our engagement party will be in three days, Sybil,” Andrius told her while they ate. “Are you excited?”

“I am,” she replied with a smile. “Now that I’ve started my princess training, I feel a little more comfortable.”

“Lady Mim told me you’re a fast learner and that you’ve made lots of progress. I can’t wait to see it all in action. I’m sure you’ll be marvelous,” Andrius said with a dashing smile.

Over the next couple of days, while the celebrations continued on the streets of the town, Lady Mim kept Sybil busy with her etiquette lessons until she was confident that Sybil would be prepared for the engagement party where she would be introduced to high society. Since all of the royals and nobles would be in attendance, it was imperative that Sybil acted like a proper princess and not a commoner.

On the day of the party, after she was done with her lessons, Sybil went back to her room to get cleaned and dressed. After Lily helped her bathe, the two women went back into Sybil’s room to find a rather large box with a bow and a note on it waiting on the bed.

“What is it my Lady?” Lily asked as Sybil reached for the note.

“To my future bride, I picked this out especially for you. See you soon, Andrius,” Sybil read.

“Oh how romantic!” Lily said as Sybil pulled off the bow and started to open the box.

Inside was a blue gown that was the color of the ocean on a sunny day. Sybil pulled it from the box and felt her heart skip a beat as she held it. She had never worn something so extravagant in her entire life.

Once Lily helped her into the dress and fixed her hair and makeup, she clapped her hands together and told Sybil, “You are the most beautiful princess!”

“Thank you, Lily,” Sybil shyly said as she blushed and turned to look in the mirror.

When Sybil saw herself, she gasped. Her blonde curls had been pulled away from her face but were still cascading down her back, and the blue dress brought out the pink undertones in her skin. She truly did look like a princess.

Lily showered Sybil in praises to boost her confidence before she escorted Sybil to the doors of the ballroom where she would meet Andrius. With every step Sybil took, her heart beat numerous quick thumps. She had never been so nervous in her life, and she only hoped that it didn’t show.

“This is where I leave you, my Lady. I will see you after the party,” Lily told Sybil with a curtsey when they were on the other end of the hall with the ballroom in view.

Sybil thanked Lily and took a deep breath before she walked the rest of the way on her own. At the ballroom doors stood Andrius, but he had his back turned towards Sybil, so he didn’t know she was quickly approaching.

Nervous butterflies fluttered around her stomach as she moved to close the space between them, and right before she reached Andrius, as if he could sense her presence, he turned around and saw her. A crooked smile immediately pulled at his lips as he drank in her entire appearance from head to toe, making Sybil blush even deeper.

“I think I might be the luckiest man alive,” Andrius said when she finally made it to where he stood.

He picked up her hand and placed a kiss across the back of it as he slightly bowed down in front of her. The feeling of his lips on her hand sent a tingle up her spine, and when he brought his golden brown eyes up to meet hers, her heart skipped a beat.

“Once they announce us, we can go in. Just follow my lead, alright?” he said as he offered her his arm.

Sybil reached for his arm but barely had time to process what he said before the grand doors opened and Andrius was leading them into a room full of the most important people on this side of the ocean. All eyes were on them as they walked towards the center of the room that was empty. Some of the faces looked friendly, others looked curious, and some almost looked furious.

Whispers filled the air, but Sybil couldn’t make out any of what was being said. She tried not to think about it as she did her best to hold her head high and keep a delicate smile on her face.

When they reached the center of the room, Andrius dropped his arm, but reached for one of Sybil’s hands while the other found the center of her back. He gave her a reassuring nod before instrumental music filled the space and he started to move them around in a graceful dance.

Sybil quickly reached up and held his arm with her free hand as he spun her. No one had told her that she would have to dance in front of all the guests, so she was grateful that Lady Mim had taught her basic waltz steps so that she didn’t make a fool out of herself so soon.

The proximity of her body to Andrius’ as they moved through their first dance as an engaged couple made Sybil’s head spin, and she had to put extra effort into focusing where her feet were placed with each step. She felt relief knowing Andrius was more than capable of leading her through the dance.

“I knew this dress would match your eyes well,” Andrius whispered softly, pulling Sybil from her intruding thoughts of worry.

“Oh, yes, thank you. It’s beautiful,” Sybil said, matching his tone, as she turned her attention back towards Andrius.

“Not as beautiful as the woman wearing it,” he seductively said.

Sybil felt her heart flip from his words. Not only that, but he looked at her as if he was the only person in the entire world. No one had ever made Sybil feel so special in her entire life.

As she looked into his eyes, she completely forgot that they weren’t actually alone. She was reminded of that when the music ended and the sounds of clapping filled the air, pulling her from her momentary trance. Andrius let Sybil go, and she reached for his arm just as he offered it to her.

“Are you ready to meet everyone?” Andrius leaned down to ask as the applause came to an end.

“Of course,” Sybil said with feigned confidence.

She took in a deep breath and reminded herself to smile as she and Andrius went to greet their guests.