A Moment in Time

Sybil couldn’t move, and she didn’t realize it at first, but she had even stopped breathing. She felt Andrius’ nose brush up against hers, and her eyes fluttered shut just before his lips connected with hers.

She had never been kissed before and had only ever read about it in her books. She couldn’t even recall a time when she had seen two people kiss, but even still, she always wondered what it would feel like.

His lips were soft and inviting, and Sybil instinctively leaned into him and brought her hands up to rest on his chest. The feeling of their bodies touching made her fingers and toes tingle.

As if also wanting more, Andrius brought his free hand up to Sybil’s other cheek, and he held her face as he tilted her head back and deepened their kiss. His kisses lit a fire in her, and she already felt addicted to the sensation.