
After Sybil finished eating, she decided to go back to her room to check on Lily’s progress in arranging all of the new clothes and accessories that Andrius insisted on gifting to her. She couldn’t imagine how it was all going to fit in her wardrobe, but if anyone could find a way, it was Lily.

While she mindlessly walked through the halls to get to her room, Sybil didn’t notice that there was a small group of people walking the opposite way, directly towards her. Had one of them not called out to her, she might have missed them completely.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the pathetic little church girl,” one of the women said, pulling Sybil out of her little dream world.

Sybil immediately looked over to where the voice came from and saw three of the women who had terrorized her the night of her engagement party— the Lovely Ladies. She didn’t understand why they were so mean to her, but she knew that there was more than likely nothing she could do to change it.