Valid Feelings

Sybil’s throat felt dry and her heart felt like it stopped the second she heard Andrius’ question to her. She had no idea how he could be so out of touch with reality.

She shot her head around to look at him and saw that the anger he had been giving Atticus was now pointedly directed at her. His eyes were dark but glowed with a red tinge.

She could have never imagined that he would look at her that way, and it broke her heart. She felt hurt and mad, and was quick to answer.

“Atticus interrupted my lessons with Lady Mim to apologize and when I told him I needed to go and meet you, he was kind enough to walk me here. I’ve never been one to try to hurt someone who hurt me, it’s not in my nature. I thought you knew that about me already,” Sybil calmly answered even though she felt like crying.

At that, Andrius’ anger immediately melted off of his face. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose right between his eyes.