
Even though she was alone in a room she had never been in before, something about it seemed so familiar. She tried to place the familiarity, but it was hard to think through the pounding in her head.

Sybil reached up and touched her head, and felt the end of a bandage. She used her fingertips to explore the bandage that covered her left temple, and was relieved when she realized that it was a smaller bandage.

She tried to think about when she had hurt her head, but came up blank. In fact, she realized that she had no idea how she had gotten into this room.

She placed her hands on either side of her body and pushed down on the mattress so that she could move to sit up straight. It hurt to move, and every part of her body protested against her.

But the pain she felt was quickly replaced by something new. The action of ruffling the sheets caused a smell to go airborne, and that’s when she had a moment of recognition.