It’s Alright


Sybil heard someone call for her, but the voice seemed far away. She turned to the direction she heard it come from, but all she could see was the darkness that surrounded her. She remained still as a statue as she waited for the voice to call to her again.

“Sybil, my love, wake up!” the voice said with urgency.

She knew it was Andrius, and once she had that realization, she had another. She was back in the darkness.

Her heart dropped to her stomach and she felt her mouth go dry. Panic started to set in and her body felt cold.

But then she also remembered that she had pulled herself from the darkness before.

She made no attempt to call back out to Andrius because she knew it would be a futile attempt, but she closed her eyes and focused on where his voice had come from. She steadied her breathing and when he shouted her name again, she broke through the barrier.