
'Well, welcome to my new home. Don't be put off by the dark atmosphere, the thick walls, and the steel-like beams that block the exit to the outside. I still have a floor, yes, just a comfy floor to sleep on, and no, I do not miss my bed as this is a 5-star living arrangement meant for kings.'

Nolamine thought as he laid down on the cold floor while looking at the ceiling. It was less than a 5-star and more like a cell where he was. He tried to make the best of it. 

The important thing was that the monster that had surprised him did not attack him when he appeared right in front of him hours ago. More important was that the person had heard what he was saying.

Melion had looked at the boy in armor that he had never seen before and then looked at his face and hair and knew that he was not from around there.

The problem was that those who looked like him were from far, far away from where they were.