From a caterpillar to a butterfly. Part 2

Son-join blocked the attack that was aimed at him. For him, at that moment it was too easy. The movement of his look-alike was exactly how he would be and how he would try to land them.

The only difference was that he would never attack first. Every time he practiced with King or Langa, he would always be on the defensive.

He jumped back right after their swords landed, but his look-alike was not letting him go that easy.

A lash was aimed at his throat while another aimed at his stomach. Using his twin swords he was able to block them again but that was when he found out that who was attacking him looked like him and moved like him but thought why different than him.

After he managed to block both swords, he received a front kick to his abdomen that sent him flying then rolling on the ground until he hit a hut that stopped his momentum.