Laureate. Part 3

After barring witness to her master's massacre of mages without that match of a struggle and the fact that a nightmarish beast lived inside him, Siyana would get nightmares nightly but what was surprising to Laureate was that the nightmares were not of the people he had killed or Uriner, but about the grotesque-looking somster that he sommoned. It having been dead made its appearance all the more horrifying.

After another four days of school, she was done with her classes for the week. The fifth day was for the challenges that the students would make to one another so as to advance to a higher class or be the best in that class.

She was amazed that no one wanted to challenge her but remembered that she had killed someone. There were no challenges for the three boys too as their fights and what they did to their opponents were still fresh in every student's mind.