The derset

And so, they marched. Through the freezing cold of the morning desert, they marched. The adventurers were fine but the normal people who were traveling with them were a little bit cold. The clothes they wore helped them as they were made specifically for the desert climate but it was still freezing cold.

With that in mind and having had prepared for it, they marched. They saw the morning sunrise and with it a warm breeze that help quicken their steps as they walked on the desert sand. Through the sand dunes, they marched. Sheyken saw Falgur going to walk with Esiyana and laughed to himself that the kid had already forgotten Sisilana's warning.

They marched until the sun was up in the sky signaling that it was noon. They stopped to eat but he was amazed that Lasore kept up with them without a problem while still drinking. He scolded himself for lifting him all the way to Senjira when the old man seemed capable of walking fast just fine.