Noah Ramsey

In the boundless expanse of the infinite void,where the concepts of time,space,reality,life and death were non-existent,a lone illusory figure could be seen drifting slowly at very center of the void.An impossibility that was made possible.

"Where am i?"the illusory figure,who was Noah Ramsey,spoke.Noah was currently experiencing something beyond his comprehension.The last thing he remembers is going through his research on immortality by theorizing his bases through stories from fictional realities but it seems he did not find the answers he yearned for.Yes, he died trying to unravel something deemed impossible from human perspective.Immortality.Noah badly wanted to escape his mortal shackles despite raising himself to peak human condition.

Since his birth in Earth,he found that he had an enhanced mind that made him perfect beyond human sense.Simply he was above all others of his race.He remembers growing up and learning everything that could ever be learned.In his youthful years,he invented many cures for terminal illnesses and also helped humanity establish interstellar travels through his ingenious blue prints.

Despite all those achievements,he found that he was yet to be satisfied.So he turned to something crazy called 'immortality.'Sadly,reality hit him harder and everytime he reached a conclusion in his research it was as if something was barring him from scoping further.Finally he died at age 76 with an undying wish.

"Phew! Humanity is truly feeble in the grand scale of the universe,"Noah lamented after recalling his life experience but soon regained his composure since there was no use being sad after all he was already dead.

Noah looked around at the boundless boundaries of the void but found no clue about the place.He recalled that when someone died they would be ushered to either heaven or hell according to human beliefs but in his case he saw nothing sort of that.

The void was truly a place of eternal silence.The concept of time to him was truly illusory,it felt like eternity.To pass time,Noah started meditating inorder to bring his consciousness to optimum state.

Gaseous movement of void energy could be seen attaching themselves on his soul making it studier, oblivious of the benefits he was receiving.

All of a sudden,at the place near where Noah was meditating ,the Void was twisted and a space-time distortion was formed.These event startled Noah as he could not comprehend what was happening.

It was at this moment that the chaos extended its turbulence to Noah who felt as if his soul was rendered immobile and was instantaneously swept into distortion.Something worth noting is that before he was completely swallowed into the distortion,a streak of light swiftly collided with his soul and meld into it. Finally the distortion disappeared,the void returning to its peacefulness.

Noah's current destination unknown.
