Chapter 15

Six Months Later

"Izzy, are you ready?"

Izzy turned around to face the bathroom door. She smiled at Jim Hurst as he poked his head through. Mr. Hurst had become her adopted father since hers wasn't around. In the last six months he had pretty much paid for the wedding dress and reception. Though they were small he insisted. She figured it was because she was close friend with his youngest two children.

He smiled. "You look so pretty, dear."

"Thank you, Mr. Hurst."

He looked at his watch. "Come, my dear. It's time for you to meet your groom."

She smiled at him and closed the distance between them to take his arm. He had been honored when she asked him to be the one to give her away at her simple wedding ceremony at the justice of the peace. His only request was that she invite his entire family.

That meant instead of Tophyr and Derek being there, the entire Hurst clan was there as well. That was sixteen people in all, excluding the children but also adding Dayton's parents. Even though it was a large entourage, she was happy they were all there.

They came to the double doors that had 'Justice of the Peace' emblazoned above them and stopped. She took a deep breath and nodded. Jim pushed the door opened and every eye in the room turned to her but her eyes were made for Dayton.

He stood in front of the Justice of the Peace in a crisp white shirt and khakis just as if he would be getting married on the beach. Just the sight of him made her want to rush down the aisle and become his wife but she couldn't do that. She had to wait.

She barely heard what the man was asking Jim and what he answered. Her hands were finally in his. The rest of the ceremony was like on autopilot. They said their vows and finally it was time to kiss the bride. Dayton didn't hesitate but they were stuck in their own little world where no one else existed but them.

Tophyr snapped her fingers in front of their faces when they were all heading out the door. "Hey, you two, snap out of it. We're heading back to my parents' penthouse for the reception. I suggest you go home and change before coming. My mom's planned this crazy thing so you know it's going to take a while."

Dayton nodded. "Yeah, we get you. We'll see you at your house." He watched as she nodded then walked over to his brother and slid into the cab with him. Finally he looked back at his new wife. "Well, how long should we take?"

Izzy made a face. "Well, since we are going to Brooklyn, I think we should get to know each other first. So let's take ten months."

"Are you talking about now or ten years ago?"

She smiled. "What do you think?" She placed her hands on his chest. "Never in my wildest dreams did I figure that I would be married to a Stark. When you listened to my poetry ten years ago, I assumed it was to mock me. But now you are mine and I'm not letting you go."

The look in his eyes said he liked the idea a

lot more than going to the Hursts and partying with more than the one person he wanted to spend the rest of his night with alone. That was her and she felt as if she could knock him down right there.

"I like the way you think, Mrs. Stark." He frowned when she gave him the death glare. "What?"

"My name is Izzy, not Mrs. Stark when I'm with you."

He laughed. "Izzy it is then. Come on. Let's go change because after the reception we're jet setting."

Izzy smiled at him then linked her arm with his, allowing him to lead her to the cab. No matter what anyone else thought, this man was her husband and she was now a Stark and a novelist. It looked like all her dreams were coming true.

THE END… for now

Catch the next installment Second Chances soon!