Volume 1.16 Winter Time and Lost Souls

It has been a week since Esther came up with her most brilliant idea. In addition to these, she does not particularly enjoy the winter breeze because this time of year affords her a great deal of time to reflect on the things that bring up memories from the past.

This causes her to dread winter. In her current life, winter has taken on the air of a soulless Christmassy theme, whereas in her previous life, she spent the season doing things like drinking cocoa that had been freshly harvested and staring at the fireplace while she sipped it. She has spent her days meditating on the specifics that require her attention while gazing out her high window and observing that there are far fewer birds than is typical. Despite the fact that she is aware that, ever since the deed that the Baron committed, it has become a challenging route to traverse.

"Wishing for his soul to be at peace," Ether mumbled.