Summer happens every June until the next season meets. Usually until September. Summer usually has temperatures that are not as common as other seasons. Temperature elevations are usually unnatural and can be up to 37 degrees celsius. But on the other hand, summer vacation is what I'm waiting for!
Bruges! I closed the car door enthusiastically running cheerfully towards the house.
"YES! Summer holiday!!!' I'm excited to enter the yard.
My name is Esha, a 13-year-old girl. This year, I entered junior high school. I am the only child in the family. The luck that I have is very good, from a cool family, fun school friends, maybe also a good male friend? hihi.
Crack! I opened the door of the house, on the right is the kitchen room, right in front of it is the family room. Mother looks busy cooking food for lunch, but mother did not forget to greet me.
"Hey, Esha" said the mother while waving her brown spatula.
I smiled broadly, walked towards the living room, put away the bag, and also opened the school uniform vest. Before I sat down my mother had already brought her lunch to the table.
"Esha is having lunch, wait for dad, so we can have lunch together," said the mother who was still wearing the apron.
I nodded enthusiastically, while also untying my hair. My hair feels oily, now I have to take a shower in the afternoon.
Ting! Tong!
Father opened the door with his feet, his hands were filled with carrying a 50 cm high box. I wanted to help but, my father's hand waved, forbidding, I stopped my footsteps.
"Princess, don't be tired, let me father," said the father, carrying the box to the back of the house.
Even though I saw that my father looked troubled, I scowled. It's not good to see my mother working and my father cleaning the house while I just sit.
"Why don't you sit down?" asked the mother, keeping the teapot filled with iced water, it could be seen from the outside that the water was dripping because it was too cold.
"Okay mom" I sat waiting for mom and dad to join the family table.
After dad finished tidying up some things at home, dad wiped his sweat and sat in the family room, not long after mom put the apron in its original place, then removed her hair tie and joined the sitting in the family room.
"It's a fun summer vacation," said the mother, wiping a few spoons.
"yes! It's really cool, ma'am," I exclaimed, who had been leaning in now, now sitting up straight.
"Where are you going on vacation? Dad asked while looking at some of the brochure that had been sent home.
Usually when summer comes, in my city, the owner of a tourist spot distributes brochures to every house. In the browser you can get some information about family discounts, interesting travel photos can also be discounted again if you book the place first.
"How about going to the beach?" Mother asked enthusiastically.
"Well ma'am, I don't know what to do on the beach other than playing in the water" I whispered quietly.
"How about going to the water boom?" asked dad glancing at me and mom, his face was the same as mom's, very excited. Dad showed me his brochure.
I saw a browser that was different from the others, the color was gold to brown, I saw a carousel picture and a cool water boom. I pointed at the browser. "How's that?" I asked, for a moment our faces were all confused.
Dad took the flyer, the golden light flashed a little and said NippyPark looking beautiful in shiny gray. We were fascinated by the brochure pictures. It turns out that the contents of the place consist of a recreation park and a water park in one, isn't it really cool and just heard it?
"Good, how's mom?" asked the father to the mother.
"Yes," replied the mother.
"YES!" I exclaimed raising my hand as high as I could.
The selection of places to fill the summer vacation time has been selected. Mother poured rice and also gave her side dishes, chicken, and carrots. We have lunch together in the family room.
After lunch, I would usually be ordered to take a nap, but without my mother asking me to stay in my room, because my body was too tired after school.
"Come on, Esha, I'm already sleeping," said Mother, clearing the plate of food.
Without being asked I nodded.