Chapter 6

I needed to avert my gaze before she could see that I was staring at her bosom. I mean, it really is a must-see sight.

Here I am doing my best not to look at Ms. Cristina, and then there is Ira, staring boldly at the lady's body, disregarding the facial expression he had.

"Well, it did come at a price."

The man really is a glutton. He agreed to take exercise with me in exchange for giving him food whenever he is hungry or treating him to lunch or dinner.

Ms. Cristina chuckled, "let me guess, you need to treat him to lunch, right?"

"Well, yeah, although it is points-consuming."

When Ira was done ogling on Ms. Cristina's sweat dripping chest, he stood up with a satisfied smile on his face. I think seeing the lady just now and having the opportunity to see her in such a revealing outfit just made Ira's day.

Ira's heavy arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"Thanks a lot, Esecleus!"

"Let go of me, Ira. You're sweaty!"

"You two are so close," Ms. Cristina said, laughing at the two of us.

Some other students also exercise in the morning, jogging around to kill time.

"By the way, what do you guys think about what Professor Denise said?"

"Huh? Oh, about our classmate," Ira finally let go of me after what he disgustingly did to me. "Didn't prof say our classmate had personality

disorder? What I think is it's nothing unusual."

"Unusual, huh?" She muttered under her breath. "What about you, Esecleus?"

"Professor Denise did not give us further details about our classmate's illness, so I can't say much. But..."

"But what?"

"I think... I was wondering... Hypothetically speaking, what if the vaccine they gave us was what triggered the illness our classmate had? I mean, in the first week, I noticed that he was completely fine associating and socializing with others."

*Beep, beep*

Ms. Cristina's phone abruptly rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and excused herself, and answered the call.

"Uh, wait for a second, guys."

She walked a bit further away from us. When she was out of earshot, she began talking on her phone.

"That is not impossible, Esecleus," Ira said, sinking back on the bench.

I was getting pretty tired standing, so I had Ira scoot over a bit and sat down beside him.

"Maybe there is—"

"Hey, guys, did you receive a mail from the school?"

Ira and I did not even notice Ms. Cristina was done talking over the phone and had already come back before I finish my sentence.

"No, what's up?"

"Well, apparently, the school told us to arrive at the gym today an hour before our first subject begins."

"Oh, you are right."

I had my phone in silent, and Ira left his phone in his room, so if it was not for Ms. Cristina. We would not know.

"Well, I gotta go now."

The lady bid her farewell, waving her hand as she departed from us.

"We better get going too, Ira."

"Let's just walk. I am still tired from jogging."


Every student stood patiently inside the gym after being emailed about an hour ago that we need to arrive at the gym an hour earlier before class started, for there was an important announcement.

My phone beeped, and I checked to see who messaged me. I saw it was my mother, asking me how I was. My mom would send me a message every day, and we would talk on the phone for like an hour. It is becoming a habit on her side, but I don't dislike it, though.

[Son, how are you today? I read your text. I am happy you are having a good time at your university. I'm proud of you for making a friend and convincing him into taking exercise. What a good friend you are. However, make sure you leave enough money for you to eat for a month, okay? I will call you later when the work is done. I love you, son.]

After reading mom's message, I punched in the words I wanna say to her and send them to her. It may be brief, but I made sure to put all that needs to be said.

The crowd went silent, looking in the aisle as a woman, face wrinkled due to old age, yet elegance proved itself to be more to see, walked intimidatingly towards the stage where a podium holds a microphone.

She is wearing a white bodycon midi dress, partnered with a black coat.

The said dress is a tight-fitting dress that hugs her figure and

accentuates her assets. For it to not be too revealing, the school principal also known as the director tops it off with a knee-length black coat to cover what others deemed to be inappropriate to show. On her feet was a pair of heels, high enough for the footwear to add a few centimeters to her average height.

Behind her came following what seemed to be the university's professors in their formal attires, so respectful and elegant. And then there was Professor Denise, his hair messy and clothes wrinkled, yawning every


They all stood there on the stage, all high and mighty, full of vigor and seamlessly passionate about their career like they were born for this day. To serve the UNP and teach the students of the university is why they were teachers. Elite professors from across the country had been employed, recruited by the government to teach these beginners in life what needs to be taught.

"Well, the email mentioned nothing about their arrival."

From what I heard outside, engines roaring away from the door of the gym, it seemed they were escorted by the suspicious group of men, the coast guards, whose responsible is maritime duties, from ensuring safe and lawful commerce to performing rescue missions in severe conditions. Well,

I see nothing wrong in escorting them, although what I think is they should be focusing more on their actual responsibilities than doing side jobs.

"Students of the University of the New Philippines," began the principal, standing on the podium while the rest of the professors watched her speak in front of them, "all of you must be wondering why we have gathered everyone here, for what reason and why are the professors arriving on the island just now when it's already been over a week since the school year started."
