Chapter 21

As my focus was suddenly shifted to the nursing student, on my right flank was a shadowy area, erecting two tall trees with quite the thickness, enough to cover Allen's body, a voice came crushing on my ears as the six-foot-tall Allen came out of the shadows.

"I'm here, wimp!"

Shakingly, his clenched tight fist, teeth-gritting in rage, Allen threw a punch I could not dodge in the nick of time.

I painstakingly blocked his rock-hard hand, putting my arm together just so he won't deal that much damage to me. Being the wimp that I am and the compelling strength he put on the punch, I rolled over the ground after losing my balance.

Before my back crashed on a tree, I tried to stop myself from rolling over any further with the thought of Allen rushing in my direction.

'What the heck? My arms are shaking?'

I knew I had to stand up as soon as I halted from rolling. If I was thrown away like this, then Allen must be extremely strong. Being confident in myself is not enough to win against him. One direct hit from Allen would be fatal, and I doubt I will be able to take another. I might be out cold if that happens.

I actually thought my arms would let me down when I was down on my knees, hands propping on the ground before I stood up.

[Kekeke, that much should be enough proof that you can't beat Allen, Esecleus!]

'Shut up.'

Even though fear is slowly shrouding my mind, my body... my body feels like in great condition when I was feeling really sick a while ago. I'm alive, my mind is alive, and my blood circulation is going smoothly. I don't actually know what happens to me but everything just feels great. Adrenaline rush perhaps?

'Just shut up and watch, you fake.'

As I thought, Allen was already one foot away from me when I recover from his surprise attack. The man does not intend on letting me get away with just that.

Ragefully, his face expressing the anger and joy that he had on his face, Allen grabbed and pulled my uniform, which almost made me fall to the ground. His tight grip could rip off my clothes if I ever forced myself to get away. Thus, I just let go of my uniform, for it was already unbuttoned.

Hurriedly, I scurried away into the shadow, breathing heavily after I got away from the beast's claw!

[The disparity in strength is clear, Esecleus. Your body is trembling right now. You just can't feel it because of the adrenaline rush and excitement. But

I doubt your mind ain't telling you that it is impossible. You are just foolishly convincing yourself that a wimp like you can pull off the impossible.]

"Come out, coward! Stop hiding in the shadows and fight me like a man!"

No fricking way I'd fight Allen head-on. It is just impossible to stand toe to toe with Allen and exchange blows with him. One direct hit would be enough to knock me down. This is not some kind of anime or manga where the protagonist and antagonist just stand there and throw punches at each other.

"As if a lightweight like me would fight a welterweight like you head-on!

Don't be stupid!"

Despite the clouding fear in my head, my mouth found the courage to throw insults at Allen. Well, I want to agitate him even more, lose his cool, so he'd do rash actions. And I might stand a chance against him, even

after the discouraging words of the voice inside of me.

I'm just wondering if he could hear my thoughts right now.

[I can, actually. Kekeke. There is no secret that you could keep hidden from me.]

'Argh, fuck off.'

"Find me if you want to beat the crap out of me, you fucking twat!"

Oh, no, Allen is bound to get angry about the name I just called him. But who the fuck cares if he gets angry, huh? Wait, why am I cursing so much? My heart is thumping wildly again.

"Ohhh, you heard that, Sean, Robert? The wimp just called Allen names!"

"The bastard is courting death. Kukuku."

Good, good, just keep adding fuel to the fire, you bastards! Keep on making him angry, so when he caught me, I'd be dead meat, but when this plan works, Allen would be the one on the ground knocked out cold!

"T-That fucker sure knows how to make someone angry. You're dead once I caught you!"

Now, while he is distracted, move around the area. I plan on picking up one of the flashlights, but I forgot the lackeys were holding onto it.

"Don't be so full of yourself, Allen! Prepare to get knocked out by a wimp!"

I know that by shouting from the shadows, I am not only revealing my location to Allen but also attracting the attention of other students.

"I'm here, Allen! Why don't you come? Are you perhaps afraid that I'd beat you? You're terrified of the fact that you're just a mere human after all with weaknesses!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are, bastard?!"

Alright! He has taken the bait. He is now agitated and is on his way in my direction. My eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness, and Allen was becoming more and more of an easy target with his troubled mind!

Another reason why I took off my shoes is that if I had them on, I would not be able to easily climb a tree. I took off the belt I had on my pants and made it so I could put it on my feet to climb a tree.

A tree without a branch and has a wide bark is quite hard to climb but not with someone who has the experience. When I was in my hometown where countless coconut trees were highly erected I used to climb them with ease.
