Chapter 35

We looked around to see if we missed the actual spot, but there really is

no body to be found.

"The body should be here. I'm sure of it."

"Seeing that there is no dead body lying here. Then I guess the other students found him, and the school had already taken care of it."

"If so, then why is the school so quiet about it?"

"Trying to cover up for it so it does not scare the students and won't make a bad reputation."

If our assumptions are true, then the school must have made whoever reported the dead body shut their mouths and however they deal with the student's families was something I don't care anymore. But, the criminal is still on the loose.

Knowing that a killer is among us students will not put my mind and Ira's to rest. We will never feel safe ever again unless the culprit is caught.

But what if the killer isn't a fellow student? What if it is an adult, perhaps a professor? Or someone else? Well, all of this are just the assumptions of my overthinking mind.