Chapter 40

That's it, Elxid. Keep pretending that nothing is wrong with this scenario and let me deal with those motherfuckers behind you. I'll mess them up so bad too that they won't dare try to get mixed up with me ever again.

If Allen suffered only on his face, those three lackeys of his will have it much worse than him. Robert, Sean, and Ivan will submit to me and will not try to ever look me again in the eye. I promise that. If they think that my win against Allen was dirty and a fluke, well, they are mistaken because I can be much more cunning and cruel than that.

Actually, I was gonna let these three slide because I got Allen pretty good two days ago, but they are pushing me to the edge of my patience.

"Okay, then go back to what you were doing. We still have 20 minutes before my class ends. I want this whole forest sown with flower seeds and plants before we go back to your classroom!"

"Kekeke! Seems like we got away with it, Robert."