Chapter 45

Whoa! So the school can automatically install an app on our phone without us knowing. Isn't it illegal because I don't remember allowing them to have access to my phone?

[Welcome to CFWP! This is the list of events student Esecleus shall participate in.]

Among the list was the 'ThrifTee' event. I clicked it and pressed yes to set it as the current event I'm partaking in. Upon agreeing, a timer of five minutes, and 8 small boxes indicating the number of participants, lit up when I set my event and the timer.

And when those 8 small boxes were all lit green, simultaneously our phones beeped and the timer started counting down. It was the signal of the hassling of 4 pairs, 8 students from different courses through the pile of folded and hung clothes.

"Oi, perv!" called Ada in her whispering voice, "what are you standing still there for?! The event had already started."

"I know. Don't mind me and proceed with what you need to do."