Chapter 75.

The librarian was not sure who am I or what am I trying to say. But, what I said made her remember the thing that Saturday.

"Y-you, you're attending this school!? And why are you wearing that!? That last time, you were not wearing a mask."

She's stuttering. She just hide something and was sweating bullets again. This is the second time that she's like this. Is she doing a miracle behind her desk? I hope not.

"Oh, this. It's a prop" I took out my handkerchief, again and offered it to her.

"Thank you!"

She grabbed it out of my hand without hesitation, but she was not using it.

"Right! The handkerchief that you lent me the last time. Here, I've washed it"

I took it. It's the same color, brand, and everything but, this is not my handkerchief. She must have the same handkerchief I lend her and mixed it up. It looks new and it smells like her. I didn't sniff it, I could smell the faint scent coming from her and from the handkerchief. It smells like citrus but is a bit sweet.