Chapter 78.

(Note that this is a work of fiction. Any names and events are all fictitious. Happy reading!)

They always fell for his sweet words. Well, I wasn't entertaining them, that may be so.

Ryou approached and began hitting on Tachibana-san.

"Hmm, you're eating a lot but, you've only gained about a few kilos, like 2 or

3. Say, what's your secret behind?"

He did an inspection on her. It's one of his abilities, he's able to measure

someone's capability.

"My secret? It's eating, that's the secret to all of it"

"Woah! My eyes are sparkling in awe! Wait, I can't see my eyes, teehee!"

He's at this again. Do you think that's cute? It's annoying, don't teehee us!

"Ryou, you're bothering her quality time with her boyfriend, bento-kun"

"Uwah! Am I? Gomen, beautiful lady!' (Sorry)

She stopped her last bite.

"Eh!? Did you just say that I am a beautiful loving, cute, charming,

adorable lady!?"

Bitch shut up. He's smooth-talking you.

"Hai!" (Yes)