Chapter 84.

It was faint, but I could hear something squelching and something feels really good, down there.

I tried moving, but it seems like my body had lost all its strength. Lifting even a finger was impossible, all I could do was listen to the sound coming from down there.

The sound of someone sucking and playing with my junior.

I closed my eyes and a beautiful Goddess flashed through my mind.

She was a bombshell. I was playing house with her, me being the father and her being the mother. Then, we tried the baby-making scene and when I realized it, I was already awake and had a wet dream. Or so I thought, there's nothing there.

I stood up but, my knees felt weak, I was staggering on my feet.

I felt weak and really healthy for a reason. My one month's worth of load had been released, I just don't know where.

'Good thing, no one took my underwear this time. Time to wash my clothes'
