Chapter 105

As someone who grew up living a luxurious life, away from all the stressful bills, and always had food on our table, the daily life I grew up with began to bore me when I first started high school.

I was not the bright student that my parents wanted me to be, always had high expectations of me when I was in elementary school. However, all of their expectations of me disappeared and their dismay only grew greater when my younger sister, who is two years younger than me, began showing great improvements in her studies. She brought joy to our parents and made them expect of her more than how she was currently doing.

And me? I gave my parents headaches and problems when I was in high school, always ditching classes, being called to the principal's office, and not giving a damn about my studies. I would come home drunk. I even started taking cigarettes and all the unhealthy habits a high schooler can do, and I did.