Chapter 119

The worst had come to the two of us. Ada threw up after the heavy blow she took from one of the enraged man-eaters.

"Now, what shall we do to them?"

Their eyes, filled with bloodlust and despise as they looked down on us, seemed like they just judged our whole being, our fate, right there and then.

I don't want to give up for my parents' sake, but I just don't see a way out of the large group of monsters currently circled around Ada and me.


In building A, where six courses can be held; two rooms on three floors hides the culinary arts students.

However, the rest of the students got separated from the course's goddess, Mirasol whilst on their way up to the building's rooftop.

She trusted her followers and they do what she would tell them. But, when their lives were put on the line, those that called themselves her followers ditched her and saved themselves. A few of her loyalists remained by her side only to save the pathetic Mirasol, and die at the hands of the man-eaters.