chapter 3

In hospital


"K..inn..kinn,don't go please don't." When I entered the hospital room after porsche check up he was threatened by bad dreams.

He  was shaking in his sleep. Then I fastly grab his head in my palms and gently caring his hairs.

Finally Porsche came into his I have to scold him about what he was trying to do. I can't let him go easily away form me.

"Can you tell me what are you trying to do there?" I asked him pretending that I am angry.

"Hmm"he asked with surprise. " What do you mean by hmm" I asked him while making a very confusing face.

"What did I do?"he asked while seeking out of the hospital rooms window.

"Porsche, don't play games with me.this is not fucking funny."Now my temper is almost out of my control.

But because he is already ill and I am very worried about him so decided to go for a discussion with doctor but as usual Porsche interfare.

"where are you going?" I think he really lost his mind somewhere and if I want Porsche cure then firstly I need to find his brain.

"I am in are ill where I suppose to go. I am going to see the doctor." I think now he get the answer so he will let me go but once again.

" if you want to talk to the doctor talk here. It's about my health so I have right to know."huh why he is soo stubborn.

"Fine,let me call the doctor or  you want to do that yourself too."I said that with angry tone. I call the doctor inside and ask what happened to him.

"Doc, is he alright now" .

"Yes he is absolutely fine, there is nothing to worry. you can take him home after some tests"doc reply but in a hasitated tone.

That make me convenience that something is wrong.but Porsche seems happy and relieved.

So didn't bother to ask doctor in front of left the room. I told Porsche that I am going to get something to eat for him.he nodded and let me go.

When I came out of the room I saw the doctor was still there.

"what's the matter tell me clearly" I asked but he seems scared."don't be afraid tell me clearly.

" Sir, we do the blood tests of Porsche and the results are positive"he stop talking and give me Porsche reports.

Then he continued"sir, Porsche is taking drugs in large quantities".

"What hell are you talking"I asked reaching his collers.

"I am telling what's results came from Porsche tests and I think  because of drugs he is started hellsulate things which make him to go to the Terris."

It feel so bad when you love someone and his life is in danger.

" I gave the medicine already make sure that he did not skip them and try to be with him everytime so that he could not take the drugs dose again" I thank the doc and after taking food  I return to Porsche .

I know that Porsche is not taking drug himself. I will find who the is behind it.

When I reached the room I gave Porsche food with a bright smile.

"Are you hiding something from me"I stop doing things for a while then said" No why did you ask me that".

"Are you sure." He asked again.

" What happened porsche can you tell me I am really worried about you" I asked him while sitting on the bed.

" Nothing happened I want to go home now".he said.

"But doctor said that you can't go today. there are many tests left."

I said grabbing his hands.

" I said I want to go home now" he snatch his hand away and said gnashing his teeth.

"Porsche are you angry with me.did I do something wrong." I asked him because doctor said that he was hellsulating things.

Now he breaks into tears and said

"I am not angry,I am in pain...and you put me here..the one who supposed to love me more than anything."

He started crying and I took him in my arms and say sorry if I did something wrong. And gently caring his head.

"ok, if you want to go him then we will go home right now.but you have to promise me that you will follow my word and don't became stubborn will take medicine in time and take care of yourself." I asked and try to make him smile and he gave a smile back.

" Ok, thank you" he said.

" I will go and ask doctor to let you go and till I came rest here and finish the food" I asked and he nodded.


"How could he survive I told you to kill him with your hands but you did not listen me I think there is no fear left in you."dark room the same old man talking to Nana.

"if you want to kill Porsche firstly you need to separate him from Kinn"Nana replied while folding his hands with a attitude.

"This is your work to separate them any how".old man says with annoyance.


"Porsche now we are home. Can I ask you something" I ask him after let him adjust himself and covering him with a blanket.

"You can ask but firstly I want icecream" Porsche say by collecting his all cute face emotions .

"No,you can't eat cold  said that you can catch cold or get fever".I said to him but he is really stubborn.

he never listen to me. Now he again make a very cute face and lean in my shoulder then again asked

"please kinn,I am bored with hospital food I want to eat Ice cream" no matter how much I am serious when I see his full stubborn cute face.I can't just ignore him.

" Fine,but only this time. Don't forget your promise".Porsche nodded with a big smile on his face.

I ordered one of my bodyguard who was standing outside named golf. He was tall as Porsche after porsche he was my new bodyguard. He is not that good at fighting as my angel Porsche.

"Go down to the kitchen and get some icecream from the fridge."he nodded and went out of the room.

when porsche eating his icecream he was looking like a baby and I just enjoy it.

Even I forgot that I want to ask him something.After eating his icecream he fell sleep. Now while he is sleep I need do my job for my boy.


Golf" I asked him to take care of Porsche for a while until I came back.

"until I came back don't let any stranger came in room, Porsche is sleeping if possible don't let the known people came inside to" 

.....ring ...ring....

Doctor-hello Mr kinn.

Kinn- yes doctor, is everything alright.

Doc- yes, but I need to tell you something very important.

Kinn-yes,what's the matter?

Doc- I was wrong Porsche is not  taking drugs.

Kinn-what this is a great news.but if not drugs why he is acting like that?

Doc- because it's not drugs it's slow poison.someone wants Porsche dead. And this not even let you or police know because it shows natural death.

Kinn- what?do you know what and for whom are you talking?

Doc- I know sir,bit it's ture and if he kept taking that poison he will not even survive till night because he already taken many doses.

Kinn-how I suppose to know by which medium he is being poisoning?what should I do?

Doc - he is being poisoning by food so don't let him eat anything till morning and if he already eaten some make him vomit.

Kinn- oh No he already eaten icecream!

Doc - is he sleeping?

Kinn - yes?

Doc- make him vomit now!

I even not cut the call I ran as fast as I can to my room.when I reach there golf and Porsche both are missing."Porsche,golf".

I was about  to head to bathroom when both golf and  Porsche came out. Porsche was looking weak and golf was holding him with his arm.

"What happened?why he is in this state?"I asked golf while snatching Porsche from him.

"Boss,when you left the room boss Porsche start panting heavly,  I can't understand what to do. He ate icecream a while ago I thought it's a reaction from that so I take him to bathroom and make him vomit after that he felt relive but still weak". Golf give his explanation.

"Ok you may go now" I told golf.

"Ok,sir if you need anything let me know" I nodded.

I help Porsche to lay down on bed.and said  strictly" from nowon you will eat or drink only what I give you. Do you understand?"

"Come on kinn it's was just a reaction may be because I had eat icecream with empty stomach.

"he said with half open eyes ." No need to be stubborn.promise me you will eat or drink only what I gave you"

This time Porsche make a face and said" I am your boyfriend not your slave. I can do what I want"

"Really" I said with anger in my eyes.

"Ok then, came inside." I called golf and order him to get handcuffs and a  tape.

" What do you want to do with that are you planing my kidnapping"  he said jokingly .

" Oh you know me so well my wifey" now I can see the fear on his face.

  I know I can't tell Porsche that he was poisoned. I know he became stubborn again and worried about me.and he will not take care himself.