When the light disappeared, the figure of the huge wolf was now transformed into the figure of a handsome man with a beautiful body formed with perfect muscles. And in his lap, Alexa's figure had now stopped changing its shape which had not been perfected by unification.

"What happened to you?" Asked the voice sadly.

Her forehead was blue, his mate lips were bleeding from an impact. The weak hand rose, crying with anger and sadness creating a feeling of indescribable contradiction.

"They killed my family..." Her voice trembled weakly, "before my eyes!"

Finished she answered and pointed towards the outside of the magic border, everyone was stunned with their hearts beating fast.

"The forest of the fairy kingdom territory was attacked by the red dragon warrior!!!"

"Alpha! How, how can that be."

"DON'T STAY AWAY, ENTER, AND HELP THE ELVES WHO CAN STILL BE SAVED AND ATTACK THE FUCKING RED DRAGON WARRIORS. THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO MY MATE!!" The voice echoed so loudly that all the wolves' feathers stood up in instinctive fright.

As wild animals, they also have sensory senses that are sensitive to danger and are very alert when under pressure from prey and animals that are stronger than them.

All of the warriors in wolf form instantly came out past the magic barrier and attacked blindly before the wolf's eyes, his two beautiful navy blue irises now turning a golden yellow that glowed brightly in the darkness. Even his black mane changed color to a bright silver color, before long his hands lit up and a white light appeared in the shape of a sword.

"I'll charge you for what they did to you, honey..." He said giving Alexa a kiss who was unconscious in his arms.


"Damn it!! How can you subdue that double magic sword, even your mate hasn't been found yet. So how-"

"Shut up!!"

The sword absorbed all the magic mana in the dragon king's body, his life force immediately dissipated little by little draining all of his remaining strength. His body trembled, cold sweat the size of corn kernels dripping all over his body. Rumor had it that the wolf king was very weak, being unable to use his legendary weapon due to not having found his life partner to complete the incomplete shard of light.

Otherwise, the dual magic swords will not be able to be controlled. He will eat the life force and mana power that wields it, the sword seems to have its own choice and will not want to be ordered by someone. He was stubborn and arrogant, even before he almost died from not listening to what the elders in their realm had to say.

"It was your stupidity and greed that sent me to mate, thank you and bye dammit!!"

His dual magic swords stabbed right into the heart of the red dragon king who was running out of strength without being able to change his form into a dragon, he dried up. His body was left with nothing but ashes after him, the man. The alpha wolf had many scars new and old on his open hands and arms, the smell of blood was thick. His footsteps immediately turned around, actually, this dual magic sword couldn't be controlled yet.

Due to absorbing too much mana of the great power, he is now slowly starting to creep trying to take away his mana power. Tendrils of yellowish light shot out from the hilt of the sword, piercing his skin. The alpha grimaced in pain, he needed to do a fusion to appease the legendary double magic sword whose power even the other kingdoms wanted to rebel against and ended up losing.

Their tactics are always the same, weakening the magical power of the wolves' territory by paying huge fees to the tower wizards to find the alpha's mate for them to kidnap as a threat to make the alpha surrender to his power.

"So the massacre of the elves because this bastard already found out about my mate, damn it. From a long time ago, my ancestral family had to accept something like this. Troublesome!" He complained as he walked out of the red dragon royal castle.

But when he left the body of the red dragon who began to breathe short, it was a mistake. For it didn't take long for a sharp chuckle to be heard and within seconds before Matthias had even turned his head.


As soon as Matthias used his teleportation power, he could already detect curse magic from the smoke of the explosion. Black magic, that damn dragon committed a trespass. Then he realized, that he had managed to get out of the castle of the sky kingdom.

Before long, Matthias looked up at the moon above his head. There the sky was still dark, after that, a magic circle opened in front of him. This teleportation circle is directly connected to where the partner's body is, his teleportation magic has the disadvantage of not being able to get to where he wants to go if there is no object as an intermediary.

Like now, Matthias can teleport because there is his partner's body as a living object.

The object can only be a human that is connected to it and willing to accept temporary contract spells, otherwise, the teleportation magic won't work.


Rumors spread, everyone said that the wolf king is now taking over the territory of the sky kingdom by making puppets from the son of the dragon king who was exiled because he has the power to lure his supporters to the throne. Even before he retired, the boy was named Zack who is now the Alpha Matthias confidant.

The ruthlessness and power of the wolf clan's alpha Matthias have spread even to the ends of the sea kingdom, the ocean was shaken with the news that the dual magic swords could finally be conquered. Interpreting indirectly to the world, the life partner of the alpha Matthius who has been looking for 100 years has finally been found. It turned out that the elf clan massacre was carried out because one of the women there was the alpha mate.

But strangely, until now no one knows the face of the wolf luna. Everything is hidden, mysterious, and also imprinted. The last time the omegas, betas, and warriors saw was when their king was finished the alpha beheaded and cleaved the dragon king's heart then returned with a woman in his arms.

Moreover, this became an uproar, when the alpha was having a meeting with the elders and warriors to make new rules for all the kingdoms under their control to exchange natural resources for the wolves' territory more for the payment of guarding their warriors. Suddenly running at a tremendous speed beyond being able to be seen by the eye, along with the sound of the danger alarm also a flock of guests who seemed to have entered the territory.

But why did the alpha Matthias have to come there alone and be surprised by the return of the alpha, in a state that his body was almost completely covered in the blood of a red dragon? Then in his arms, a beautiful silver-white-haired woman was unconscious, the aura emitted by their negligence was so thick that the hairs on the spines of everyone in his castle shuddered with horror.

And that was the last time they saw the woman.