
Chapter 2

I run into the castle and frantically look for my dad. I couldn't find him, but I saw his right hand, Jonathon Greene.

"Hey, John! Have you seen my dad?!" I ask hurriedly.

"He should be in his office. Why? What's up kid?" Jonathon asks nervously because he knows that nothing shakes me up this much.

"I got to go but I will tell you after I talk to him," I say before I sprint to his office and slam the door open.

"Pumpkin? What's wrong?" My dad asks before standing up and walking towards me.

"I'm okay dad. But when I went out to hunt today this kid saw me and I chased it and it was a werewolf. A strong one at that. We fought for a little bit until it howled for help and the last howl was really weird. I thought it would scare me but it didn't. It just made me curious. I don't understand dad," I say quickly and look up to see my dad walking back to his desk with his thinking face on.

"Well, there are only three people that howl could be, and for everyone's sake, I hope it's the second one. It could have been the Alpha, Luna, or Soon to Be Alpha. They are the strongest, most powerful, and protected out of all the werewolves. You do not want to mess with them. They hate us enough already."

"Don't they live in that mansion across from us with the huge wall and constant guards?" I asked.

"Ya, why?" He asks but I run out of the room before I could answer him.

*Around Midnight*

I find myself running in the tree border of the town away from the castle at midnight. I finally see the mansion in the distance after running for a couple of seconds. At that second I ask myself if sneaking out was a good idea.

*3 hours before*

I'm sitting on my bed with my best friend from childhood, Guinevere. Every Wednesday I and Guinevere meet up and have a girls' day. Lately, we have been somewhat distant so this annual day has been our saving grace for our friendship. It's been helping us get closer and we're almost back to our normal routine and friendship.

"Hey, Guin! So, I heard from a little birdy that you and Andrew are getting closer," I say and nudge her shoulder with mine.

"Aw come on Maria! I didn't see you as the kind of person who believes in rumors," she says with a slight blush creeping on her face.

"Not if they are realistic and close to the truth! Your blush says enough!" I end up rolling on my bed with laughter.

"Mimi you're so mean!" she says with a serious face before it breaks and she starts laughing along with me.

"Are you guys dating yet? You've been playing this charade for weeks now, just get over it already and ask him out! At this rate, you sure know he won't!" I say and her already red face gets even redder.

"Mimi, you know I'm old-fashioned, I don't believe that a girl should ask a guy out." That makes me smirk real big.

"No, whatever you're thinking, no! I know that smirk and it never ends well. I know you!" she says quickly.

This gets me to thinking about the horrible idea I have about later. I look at the clock and jump up when I realize I'm 10 minutes past curfew! Dad is going to kill me! I grab all of my stuff quickly and it takes a couple of seconds for Guinevere to realize why I'm in a hurry.

"Oh my gosh! I was not paying attention. You better hurry, knowing your father he's probably pacing your room worrying so bad about you," she says, turning back and forth as I run through her room making sure I got everything.

"I know, you're right. Got to go, love you, sis!" I say as I vampire run and kiss her cheek and then vampire run home. I'm going to miss my chance tonight!!

I decided that a little spying won't hurt anyone. As long as I'm not caught… I will be fine. Earlier today I went and got a spray that makes someone smell like a werewolf so I don't immediately get smelt as a vampire. I would be killed on the spot.

When I see the mansion coming into view I suddenly start to wonder if this is a bad idea but I push the thought away and run faster. I am running near the forest at the border of our city to not be caught by other vampires. They're too loyal to my dad, they would rat me out to him the moment they saw me passing the invisible border.

"Ahhh! Let go…!" I start to yell when I feel someone grab me from inside the forest. I feel a piece of cloth over my mouth but I just can't escape. I don't understand. Whatever acid they just put over my mouth weakened me. I'm gonna faint… Help…